Sunday, April 13, 2008

Sunday Blabbering

Oh well, when one stays constipated for so long, it's not difficult to understand what comes with relief.

I know. Again, it's my blog, let me talk :P
The girls were terrible. They knew their A maths teacher will be at MOS burger and still fixed lesson there.
Yeah, my horror of horrors, I thought I heard someone calling my name.
Looked up and took quite a while to realise it was Jia Wen.
I thought we made a pact that they would only reveal who their tutor is only when they start to do well in exams.
How quick these girls turn on me. Ha!

Did hear that she went into teaching but didn't expect her to do her practicuum at BP.
Might have been weird to be teaching A Maths in the school where our A Maths teacher still is at.
Poor girl. Think she must have been under lots of stress to perform well so much so she 'overlooked' her students.
Give these teachers some credit. Seems like they need to do very well to be graded and given their choice of school.
You never know when you'll be a teacher yourself!

Ended our night run at 7-eleven.

Ivy showed me the latest issue of Playeur.

Of course, the cover page isn't this subtle. It's just that i couldn't find the visual to Apr's issue.

But in it was at least 4 page spread of the thai Lasalle girl Ni**** I mentioned in my previous post.

Of which one page was 16 frames of consecutive shots of her heading to the bathroom and removing her outer wear leaving her lingerie on.

Ivy & I oogled on, flipping and commenting right in front of the 'No browsing' sign.

When we satisfied our 'thirst' at the convenient store, we headed straight back.


I told Ivy I'd rather be featured in Prestige.

Seriously, that might be something worth telling your grandchildren next time and make them aspire to be in it too.

What would these male magazine models tell their grandchildren next time?

Hey kid, see I was that hot at 20! Now, beat that!
Plus, I think my dad would have disown me and my mom would have ripped my skin off if I was caught in those barely there bras and panties!


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