Is it worth it?
I wanted to take a break, come online, blog about last night's cell grp when I saw something on YingYing's blog.
She was talking about Anorexia nervosa - a term that is not uncommon in our society today.
Even if guys don't know this word, they also know that they don't like stick-thin women. As much as looking at the picture bothers me, I refuse to put them on my blog. Because it upsets me.
In my lecture on Social Psychology of New Media, we talked about how people misuse the net. Instead of providing support for people with eating disorders, there are those PRO-ANA websites. They give a million ways to encourage girls to be anorexic. From eating naked in front of the mirror to snapping rubbers onto yourself everytime you think about eating, these are few of the many ways that make you feel bad about your body.
I googled for pictures of Anorexics, curious to see they look like when I realised it's no difference from googling for 'skeletons'. Even watching My Chemical Romance's - Black Parade is not as scary. I remembered chancing upon this article a few months ago...

Beautiful girl huh? Yea.. but she killed herself - not intentional but still...
She's a beautiful 21 year old Brazilian model, Ana Carolina Reston, who died from a generalised infection caused by Anorexia. Standing at 1.7m she's only 40kg! Talk about being sick!
She's so beautiful, yet we can't see the protruding ribs under those branded clothes.
If we saw, she'd be a scary pack of bones.
She was talking about Anorexia nervosa - a term that is not uncommon in our society today.
Even if guys don't know this word, they also know that they don't like stick-thin women. As much as looking at the picture bothers me, I refuse to put them on my blog. Because it upsets me.
In my lecture on Social Psychology of New Media, we talked about how people misuse the net. Instead of providing support for people with eating disorders, there are those PRO-ANA websites. They give a million ways to encourage girls to be anorexic. From eating naked in front of the mirror to snapping rubbers onto yourself everytime you think about eating, these are few of the many ways that make you feel bad about your body.
I googled for pictures of Anorexics, curious to see they look like when I realised it's no difference from googling for 'skeletons'. Even watching My Chemical Romance's - Black Parade is not as scary. I remembered chancing upon this article a few months ago...
Beautiful girl huh? Yea.. but she killed herself - not intentional but still...
She's a beautiful 21 year old Brazilian model, Ana Carolina Reston, who died from a generalised infection caused by Anorexia. Standing at 1.7m she's only 40kg! Talk about being sick!
She's so beautiful, yet we can't see the protruding ribs under those branded clothes.
If we saw, she'd be a scary pack of bones.
"Or don't you know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit,
who lives in you and was given to you by God?
You do not belong to yourself, for God bought you with a high price.
So you must honor God with your body."
1 Corinthians 6:19-20
-What Bible says about eating Disorders-
who lives in you and was given to you by God?
You do not belong to yourself, for God bought you with a high price.
So you must honor God with your body."
1 Corinthians 6:19-20
-What Bible says about eating Disorders-
*I'm thankful I have some bulges to cushion my roll-around in bed*

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