Tuesday, October 16, 2007

what i couldn't say....

sometimes it pays to have an elder sister who is so eloquent.

she becomes my mouthpiece..

both of us finally visited our long-ill uncle last weekend, it was an extremely heart-breaking and painful sight and i was tearing uncontrollably at his house..

I was reminded of Tuesdays with Morrie and I knew what a brave man Morrie is... the things he said are things we have to learn to embrace and be reminded constantly.

Recently my msn nick said, "You learn to die, you learn to live"

I didn't literally meant that I wanted to die... just because of the stupid two weeks long sickness I was bogged down with.

But I meant that sometimes, you need to go to an extreme bad end, to learn to appreciate the good extreme of it.

I always took good health for granted until I fall sick to realise how precious it was to be in the pink of health.

Anyway, back to my uncle... after looking at him, I prayed that should the day come for my parents to go, I hope they will be taken in a flash not be left to die slowly...


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