Sunday, September 30, 2007


Men with humongous ego irks me - esp those who show it on the road.

Seriously, I'm just a peaceful lil' girl who goes about enjoying my time driving.

Getting from point A to B is my aim.

It tickles me sometimes to watch guys trying to race me, thinking I was challenging them...

@_@ 'hello?????' *sweat*

Maybe these men find it intimidating that my humble car flies past them and my average speed is a declaration of 'Let's Race! Mr.. HUNK..'

Get a life!

I've so much more things on earth here for. I don't wanna kill myself over a stupid road race in Singapore with Mr. BIG EGO.

Of course, it's a whole different stopry if I die racing beside Michael Schumacher *rolls eyes*

Another crappy incident with a Mr. Hyundai Getz this morning.

Really.. it's funny how he wants to challenge and never caught up & what's funnier was.. my speed was constant during those seconds.

Man! Pisses me off sometimes. If you wanna race, win me. Otherwise don't start. It just makes you look stupid. Absolutely.

And boys... don't grow an ego that huge. Women simply HATE it.


Blogger I.V.Y. said...

I hate Hyundai Getz permanently NOW.
It's slower than a tiny Picanto and bastardly drivers buy it. Rolls eyes.

12:38 PM  
Blogger Aileen said...

To IVY...
erm, I think that's generalising all Hyundai Getz drivers. But those Getz drivers who find fault with Piccanto girls are men without penis. They can't get over the fact that their 1.6A is losing us -_-. Ass. :P

To Samuel:
That's my peaceful average speed. :) Guess what, nearing 2 years of licence, I'm still alive!!! HOORAY.

5:06 PM  

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