An article in yesterday’s ST caught my attention - “Lost in Translation No More”

It urges Beijing to come up with standardized English translations for outlandish-sounding dishes, in run-up to the Olympics.
Excerpts from the article cracked me up and I’m sure it does even for those who are non-effectively bilingual in Mandarin & English.
Imagine your Chinese friend enthusiastically explains the dish he has ordered for you
(In the most accented Chinese he begins)
“Todie, we are e-ting a few soomtuous dshirts specially for u!”
Well, let’s hear it!
“I have olered elbow vegetable cooks the wing, rich and powerful people fry, the American flag cooks the space person, explodes the vegetable meat to steam and the treasure fungus soaks the vegetables”
Run, brother, Run! Why does this restaurant sound highly dangerous with the inanimate objects coming alive?
And really, I have seen it in China myself during the recent trip and have a few to share…
Scenario 1

Hm… maybe they wanted to translate 的 to ‘De’ but in the midst some smart alec screams,
“Hey, wai dunch we use the word ‘Dick’? both starts with 'D' and It looks licer with four lettas instead of two? Plus, my best flend is called Dick too, so we wun go rong with this word!”
Everyone shouts in agreement, slapping the guy in the back, commending him with such a brilliant idea.
Scenario 2
We saw this sign at Windows of the World in ShenZhen & initially we thought an alphabet dropped off..
Upon closer examination, all other signs were the same and ‘Maintenance’ was spelt correctly except with an awkard spacing in between…
Plus, the use of ‘quickly’ at the end makes the whole thing just laughable.
It urges Beijing to come up with standardized English translations for outlandish-sounding dishes, in run-up to the Olympics.
Excerpts from the article cracked me up and I’m sure it does even for those who are non-effectively bilingual in Mandarin & English.
Imagine your Chinese friend enthusiastically explains the dish he has ordered for you
(In the most accented Chinese he begins)
“Todie, we are e-ting a few soomtuous dshirts specially for u!”
Well, let’s hear it!
“I have olered elbow vegetable cooks the wing, rich and powerful people fry, the American flag cooks the space person, explodes the vegetable meat to steam and the treasure fungus soaks the vegetables”
Run, brother, Run! Why does this restaurant sound highly dangerous with the inanimate objects coming alive?
And really, I have seen it in China myself during the recent trip and have a few to share…
Scenario 1
Hm… maybe they wanted to translate 的 to ‘De’ but in the midst some smart alec screams,
“Hey, wai dunch we use the word ‘Dick’? both starts with 'D' and It looks licer with four lettas instead of two? Plus, my best flend is called Dick too, so we wun go rong with this word!”
Everyone shouts in agreement, slapping the guy in the back, commending him with such a brilliant idea.
Scenario 2
We saw this sign at Windows of the World in ShenZhen & initially we thought an alphabet dropped off..
Plus, the use of ‘quickly’ at the end makes the whole thing just laughable.
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