Sunday, September 28, 2008

Fight the Devil...

As I spend more time reading, I spend less writing.

Of course, it's just like listening and talking.. you can't do two things at once.

It's either one more than the other.

In the few books which I have been reading, one common theme that runs through both is about how we start to discover ourselves through others and events that unfold.

Indeed, it is something which I have to agree.


This morning was terrifying.

I was stuck trying to grab a cab for over almost an hour & even the cab hotlines rejected me.

all I could think of was being late for worship, i was on duty, i can't be late. never.

i stepped foot onto the grounds of commonwealth at 11.05am. 5 mins past the start of service.

before I knew it, i turned to sam & i started wheezing and hyperventilating, making the worst sounds I have ever heard.

i ran out of breath and felt like my oxygen tank could finish anytime the plug goes.

the second bout came not long after and then the third.

through this, i realised the beauty of strangers.

Aunties offering a hand, rubbing ointment on me, holding onto me, praying for me.

all I could think of was how much trouble i could be in for missing worship. how irresponsible i was...

through this, I discovered that I'm really strange, uptight & crazy.

I guess, there are some things I need to sort out about myself... this week.


Blogger I.V.Y. said...

Sounds serious man. And you said I was too serious and uptight for my own good. Haha.

Ok, ok, got to be sympathetic. Why spend time on make-up when your aim to get somewhere on time. I know, you wanna die pretty also right? Too cute man.

3:16 AM  

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