Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Let it Snow......

My dream.... is to live here...

Singaporeans get this only on tv - Home Alone 1,2,3.

After teaching for the past 4 days, frankly, I wish to see I've lost 2 kg (not fats, but at least water).

The weather is a killer, the classrooms are not well ventilated and my office is so far from the lower sec campus. *bloody torturous* It doesn't help that I'm a super han4 bao3 shirts are usually soaked. Bloody disgusting too :(
It's not as if I'm going for some wet t-shirt contests... -_- that might be the right occassion.

Well, so it had better snow in singapore or RAIN. I don't care. I want to be soaked with cold stuff.. not hot eeky stuff.



Blogger I.V.Y. said...

Come to think of it. When you mention that wet t-shirt contest, I think it's such a good idea. =P
Wear more white shirts to teach leh.
On a scientific level, your shirt reflects heat. So you stay 'cooler'.
If you are soaked, at least you look HOT, not disgusting.

crap...I am so perv......

6:19 PM  
Blogger Aileen said...

Horrible IVY YEO! disgusting BERT. I don't get paid enough to be these kind of models k... at least the Europe Newscaster aka Strippers weathercasters get paid much more for what they do onscreen.. -_-

Plus, all are underaged.

1:03 AM  

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