Sunday, June 24, 2007

Boiling P*t

I hate thinking of titles for blogs. It always hinder the start of my entry.

Anyway, yesterday wasn't that great a day to start off with.

It's been a long time since i worked at the ice cream shop on a Saturday and I completely didn't expect the crowd.

Came two ladies who want to get a take-home pack with 4 flavours of which 3 are taken straight out from the freezer. Dang. I hate packing mixed flavours.

When i was finally done with their orders, I prayed that should the next customer come, they should just order one flavour take home pack.

10 mins later, One lady came with her daughter. Without even sampling, she said she wanted Caramel reg thp.

Man! This was the fastest God ever answered my prayers.

In the midst of scooping that, she made another order - Crunchy Mania reg thp and then Rum & Raisin.

I cringed in my heart thinking my arm might probably break at the end of this order. :(
*Seriously, if you guys visit my ice cream shop, you'll know how impossibly rock hard can some flavours be.

*Take home packs always taste better when bought in a single flavour. :)

At 5, I headed to Jurong to start my arts fest duty. Happens so it was the South West district arts fest opening. I also know they will be using the emcee CDC hired for the whole night. That means I don't get to touch the mic.
As if it wasn't bad enough, my dear in-charge asked me to sit beside the emcee and brief her about the 8pm show. Talk about being insensitive.
I really didn't mind if I was pushed to be the usher. -_-
But no, I had to sit there like a bloody idiot, watch how great and effectively bilingual she was.
That was quite painful, at least to me.
At 8.30pm, CDC staff whispered to me, "Can you do the announcements for the end? I realised we hired her till 8plus only."
I was so tempted to smile and reply ' I charge for that 45min wait too. The same amt u paid her.' -_-
Imagine all the swear words that were boiling inside of me.
I'm a newbie. That emcee was a DJ from 88.3FM, I have nothing against her, she's sweet and nice, just that the management of the events are bloodily f*.


Blogger I.V.Y. said...

Oh. Crap. But if the emcee has work ethics, she will finish through and bill them later for the extra time, isn't it. So it has come down to the pennies, even for professionals?
You pay me till xxx pm, so I will get out when the clock strikes? I don't know man.

5:59 PM  
Blogger Aileen said...

It's got nothing to do with the poor emcee. It's the management who didn't wanna pay her more. Can u imagine? Maybe she charge like $100 an hour or something?

11:30 AM  

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