Techno Rat Race
In a bid to catch up with the rapid advancement of technology, I decided to hop onto the FaceBook wagon..
After receiving loads of friends' requests/invitations and bugging I finally got 'more' friends as well as uploaded an ugly cam whore looking profile pic..

After friendster, I really had never accepted other forms of networking invitations to other sites.
Really... I think it's silly.
These network sites just suddenly make you realise "Hey, where did all these 'friends' appear from?"
Come on, we know they can't be all YOUR friends. It could be.. "Hey, I was the one who lifted your skirt the other day at Newton Circus Food Centre, remember?" *rolls eyes*
Seriously, my conclusion is: People who needs a sense of security, incessantly adds people onto their list of friends - a proof of "Hey, I'm not that cranky nerd who hides in the corner of the class, I am that MR POPULAR with tonnes of girls dying to be on my friendster list!" *Snigger*
Anyway, back to Facebook... seriously, I see people going into the site during lectures, or people telling me how fun it really is..
Erm... So giving pokes is your idea of FUN?
I guess to a certain extent, YEA.
Now I know who wants to BITE me,
BUY me a drink,
CAST A SPELL on me..
and FACEBOOK gives them that virtual reality to do it ON me. *comforting* :P
Maybe Ivy & I share another warp sense of FUN..
we love doing other stuff together which not many people know of yet :P
FACEBOOK? I guess it's just something to keep me updated and not be a techno-lag.
*To my friends who ARE into FACEBOOK - hey, no offense... one man's love is another man's.... enemy. Whatever :)
After receiving loads of friends' requests/invitations and bugging I finally got 'more' friends as well as uploaded an ugly cam whore looking profile pic..

After friendster, I really had never accepted other forms of networking invitations to other sites.
Really... I think it's silly.
These network sites just suddenly make you realise "Hey, where did all these 'friends' appear from?"
It's nice if it's old school clique.. but not people from the ends of the world adding you and suddenly you both become friends.
Who knows, he could be a psychopath, a pervert, a paedophile... whatever! *groans*
Some people gets 400 friends on their friendster list..Come on, we know they can't be all YOUR friends. It could be.. "Hey, I was the one who lifted your skirt the other day at Newton Circus Food Centre, remember?" *rolls eyes*
Seriously, my conclusion is: People who needs a sense of security, incessantly adds people onto their list of friends - a proof of "Hey, I'm not that cranky nerd who hides in the corner of the class, I am that MR POPULAR with tonnes of girls dying to be on my friendster list!" *Snigger*
Anyway, back to Facebook... seriously, I see people going into the site during lectures, or people telling me how fun it really is..

I guess to a certain extent, YEA.
Now I know who wants to BITE me,
BUY me a drink,
CAST A SPELL on me..
and FACEBOOK gives them that virtual reality to do it ON me. *comforting* :P
Maybe Ivy & I share another warp sense of FUN..
we love doing other stuff together which not many people know of yet :P
FACEBOOK? I guess it's just something to keep me updated and not be a techno-lag.
*To my friends who ARE into FACEBOOK - hey, no offense... one man's love is another man's.... enemy. Whatever :)
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