Good O'l Food & Funny Old Men
I love hawker fare and it will be what i will miss when I'm overseas.
Had lunch at Tekka market and everyday I'm spoilt for choice.
Jennifer says I should target those 'traditional' looking stalls with old men vendors... food's always good.
Soooooo Old School~
It's so impossible to find a bowl of noodles for two bucks these days.
Back in the '80s, I can easily order a bowl of fishball noodles for S$1.80 ~ S$2.00
This uncle is the best! He is on a one-man show!
He cooks the noodles, chops the meat, shells the prawns, washes the dishes and collects payment.
He doesn't care if you understood dialect, he asks what you want in fluent Teochew anyhow.
You see what I mean?
It's this kind of old people I take my hat off to & with all due respect, I salute them. (Unlike those mentioned in my previous post)
Anyway, with 5 prawns in a bowl of noodles that costs S$2, it is no wonder he has to save costs on helper to please his customers.
Way to go Ah pek!
My production manager is constantly looking under his treasures to spruce up the office.
Interestingly, he added two new things onto my table today.
A spongy alphabet & a cutesy rat :P
Brian bought three rats for a production last year, which in the end were not used because the actor who was supposed to use it for that scene couldn't pronounce some words.
Brian took one of the finger puppet rats and performed for me a short puppetry - a rat peeking out from his left palm and then scampering across his chest onto his shoulder!
At 50, his finger is still so agile~
Wait till I master it, I will video it down. Till then, one of them will be seated on my iMac :)
Looks cute A!
That royal purple feather looks so gay. Luckily, you are a gal!
Boo. Why didn't you come back to teaching...
Weihao: Well, teaching is quite a feat I must say! I would love to go back to teaching, but not anytime soon. Still need to explore the world out there, so I won't be frantic trainees when I go back HAHA.. But hey, keep working hard to fulfilling your dream to be a teacher! (see, I still remember!)
Ivy: Gay, is a new word! It works when you need to have tools like that to blend into a workplace of that sort.
LOL. So touched you remembered! Well hope to see you soon in Bukit Panjang Govt. High! Btw, what are you working as now. o_o
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