when slapsticks heal the wounds...
Pretty much like JUST MARRIED, What happens in Vegas is equally hilarious.
What really cracked me up were the psychotic side of women found in Joy (Cameron Diaz) & the perverse nature of men in Jack (Aston Kutcher).
Shan't reveal too much but go catch it probably on a cheap movie day.
Cameron Diaz is one hot blonde for someone her age. *grins*
Headed down to Queenstown Library because we were having a preview show for Moonbird.
The songs are beautiful, the actors are equally good at singing it.
Two hearing impaired actors make up the cast of eight. One of the hearing impaired actress is beautiful, or so I think.
For whatever stupid reasons, I typed out 'You are very pretty :D' & showed her before I left, she hand signed a "thank you" before moving away shyly.
Uncle Sam said I was flirting. =.=
I sure hope she doesn't think funny of me, but when I think someone is really pretty, I just have the urge to tell them.
Interested to see how she looks like, go Youtube to google her name ->Erika Levi.
I caught the movie too! LOL.
most of the chick flicks i've seen with Ashton Kutcher have been at least halfway decent, A Lot Like Love is one example
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