Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Little XYZs on a Wednesday...

Frankly, I'm scared of people who whine. Especially guys. AND those who whine alot.

Maybe it's how Ivy & I were brought up to be.

Whining never solve problems.

If something bad happens, sleep and wake up to something new.

Don't keep going on and on about it. It just drives you crazy.... and those who listen to you.

Believe me, I had a guy friend who never stop whining and when I don't pay attention, I forget it is a HE.


i hate coffee.... it's my crack

i need at least one a day to keep myself alive.

to keep my brain functioning

to keep me sane

to keep me high

i hate coffee


Lunchtime surfing brought me into blog peeking again. -_-

I'm a regular at my ex's gf's site. Seriously, just kaypoing on my part.

Saw their 11th month celebration photos... haha... on a mean side, I wonder how long they might last but then again, I'm not too bothered anyhow.

but I'm reminded of Khoo ee's msn nick. :P .high five to that. freedom totally rocks.

but the boys who have profess your love for her, kudos to you for your courage!!!

Ivy's right about what Anthony Robbins says, 'Get out of a toxic relationship' - drop those who cannot make you happy. :)

Looking back, I think i have never made one wrong move.



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