Tuesday, September 26, 2006


I'm not sure about this crazy 2nd post, but I just had something to say.

Today was tiring to have 3 tuition lessons at a go, consecutively. But the last one which was 2.5hrs was indeed fruitful and God made that happen.

Geraldine, this girl I have been tutoring since 2001 is a really beautiful student I have. She's a God-fearing girl whom I was so shamed talking to her. She talks about God every lesson and shares with me stuff.

She kindda just 'got out' of a relationship with this guy at school & it was because she felt that she wasn't doing the right thing. Probing further, the guy isn't a Christian and she felt that he was in priority instead of God. Not only that, it wasn't love but infatuation. The past few lessons she has been sharing with me how God has helped her through these weeks of 'separation', and just now, she finally said she did the right thing, though painful. She said that now God is her priority and she does everything because she wants to obey God.

I'm not sure about you. But I am ministered yet shamed at the same time. A girl 7 years my junior is telling me things I have just and yet to discover. She said that being in a relationship is tiring and she looks for a God-fearing man, but not now. She educated me on the true difference infatuation and love. She taught me how to let go of stuff even when it hurts so much.

I really don't know. I'm so speechless and yet spiritually satisfied after every lesson with her. She has taught me much more than I have done for her. I know that God has been working through her life as a perfect living testimony for all those who thought that some things were impossible.

~She's amazing~


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