Poor me, of all times, this big teeth had to give me problems. Yes.. my wisdom tooth. It's certainly not a blessing to have wisdom teeth because there is no logical explanation that having wisdom teeth makes u any wiser. Then again, maybe it does, because of the pain you have to go through and then the decaying process and then the extraction process. How wise is that~
I have two impacted wisdom teeth on the lower set and the right one is decaying. :( Went to the dentist down my house and he quoted S$700! (but it's a young dentist with some freaking accent. He's very sweet though, think he wants my money that's why) So I told him i'll consider first. Went home, kicked up a fuss and almost cried thinking of the surgery I had to go through. Then called up my dad's dentist and they quoted S$450. Went over in the evening and Dr Ng took an X-ray of my tooth (so cute!!!) and gave so medication to stop the infection, advising me to go back as soon as possible for extraction. Then, after some bargaining, he brought it down to S$350! What a difference! But hey, I think I trust him more with his 30+ years of experience. (and he's very sweet & gentle too)
Wisdom Teeth... :(
see... that's how a wisdom tooth is slanted.But mine's out of the gum
Mom says that nowadays young dentists are out to slash people in the throat before treating the teeth. haha...
I'm so praying that the real pain doesn't come before my extraction next week... Doomsday: 2 October 10am. hellllpp...
I have two impacted wisdom teeth on the lower set and the right one is decaying. :( Went to the dentist down my house and he quoted S$700! (but it's a young dentist with some freaking accent. He's very sweet though, think he wants my money that's why) So I told him i'll consider first. Went home, kicked up a fuss and almost cried thinking of the surgery I had to go through. Then called up my dad's dentist and they quoted S$450. Went over in the evening and Dr Ng took an X-ray of my tooth (so cute!!!) and gave so medication to stop the infection, advising me to go back as soon as possible for extraction. Then, after some bargaining, he brought it down to S$350! What a difference! But hey, I think I trust him more with his 30+ years of experience. (and he's very sweet & gentle too)
Wisdom Teeth... :(

Mom says that nowadays young dentists are out to slash people in the throat before treating the teeth. haha...
I'm so praying that the real pain doesn't come before my extraction next week... Doomsday: 2 October 10am. hellllpp...
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