
*Gosh* and this list could just go on forever.
Frankly, as much as I am enjoying this semester of full theatre mods, I am so hoping that within a blink of an eye, it’s the hols again. But obviously, God never passed me the remote to zap my life away. I think He forgot to.
Praxis was extremely bad. As if I was not dreading the play production, Gerald Chew had to crash my whole team today. He claims he doesn’t understand our play. He sounded angry, but with his SORT OF tried-very-hard-british-accent, it was hard to decipher his tone. He had a point to thrash our play. I think our presentation didn’t make any sense either. But with just 3 weeks away from the actual performance, I just felt so screwed left right centre in and out. The group isn’t working hard enough either. They don’t see a need for a director, maybe that’s why things are still in a jumble.
After Praxis today, I felt like a total mess. Went to Ryan’s place thinking I’m gonna to pluck all his hair or dig his eyeballs out if he dares provoke me. He was surprisingly in a good mood and I didn’t want to let my mood get the better of me, so I just joked, played and did work together with him. Somehow after lesson, I felt relieved temporarily. (God surely uses the weirdest and the most unexpected people at the right time to cheer me up.)
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