Interesting Find
In Psychology class yesterday, the Prof flashed an article that's pretty interesting:
Apparently, a research shows that the there is a 'taste' difference between a hungry and a satiated man...
Hungry Man fancies....

Women like this
Ok... I'm kidding. Not like that.. but apparently, they like someone curvy when they are hungry! Man... are they thinking of devouring the women?
But a Satiated Man likes women like

Yikes! Can you see her protruding ribcage?
Oh whatever, I seriously don't think this research is all that accurate.
But at least now women get the point, when to make a man hungry and keep them that way... hahaha...
Okie, Keira Knightley looks awful. She's like 'dying from starvation' anytime soon. YUCKS big time.
No wonder satiated men will like. They have already lost their appetite. =P
Eew, those 2 pics are gross. One of them is extremely fat while the other one is extremely skinny. Whoever involved in this research definitely had no taste at all or they are insane.
(Anyway, my ribcage is also protruding out. Surprisingly, I still have 4 packs!)(I am not bragging!)
Yeah, I have to agree with u guys.. Both are equally scary.
To youxun: WOW u have 4 packS!!!! I wanna @_@
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