Thursday, December 18, 2008
As the holiday season approaches, the craving for a getaway grows stronger...
i was blog surfing AGAIN and it's really just a few blogs I usually dive into.
again, some people would brag about their short getaway with their partner.
i'm not sure, but it seems like these days, it IS okay for unmarried couples to go on holidays & stay together.
over dinner recently, i was discussing about the idea of cohabitation and marriage with a couple of girlfriends. they weren't surprise that i was never for the idea of the former and was slightly uncomfortable that they were preparing for that.
again Uncle Sam did tell me that his colleague stays over at his girlfriend's house 5 days a week & to a certain extent, he is envious, but he knows where we stand in this matter.
These days, Chastity & Purity are dirty words such that people are singing to the tunes of Faith Hill & Tim McGraw - "Let's make love all night long until our strength is gone..."
To the young ones - it pays to wait and keep what's precious till the end.
You know what i mean.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
...Eager Beavers...
i'm always intrigued by human behaviours, attitudes and personalities.
i can never stop sharing my observations. maybe i should consider studying socio-psychology..
i am usually scheduled for worship with this female. Let's just call her missy b.
as usual, she was doing her thang - jumping in to make some lame remarks everytime after S does something. To top it off, she screamed into the mic like an off-key punk rocker & it never fails to deafen me for that split second since my right ear was beside the monitor and my other was beside her...
have i ever mentioned i have violent tendencies?
yea, but anyway, i have to turn away from her and divert my line of vision to space and think "GOOD THOUGHTS" so my fist will not land in her face.
basically, that's the end of story.
but to reason that, i figured that she really needed A LOT of attention because she is naturally insecure. Of what? I dunnoe.. seeking acceptance maybe?
just days ago, i caught this taiwanese matchmaking programme which featured the process of guys girls getting to know one another and eventually choosing one whom they feel most connected to.
Again, it never fails that there's always an eager beaver in the group. This time, another missy.
she tried so hard so hard that it turned three guys off. And the one who didn't get her attention wanted her in the end. Duh!
now, this just sets me thinking, "Isn't it common sense for one to know the law of attraction? The more you run towards something, the faster the other repels from YOU!"
Sigh... sometimes people just need to be reined in.
time out
three days more to official time out at work, i feel nothing like that at this moment.
with the server down since a week ago, there were so much work piling at my in tray and to do list...
i totally hate this feeling.
auditions started tonight for Easter production and well things ARE sorta looking good.
like S. put it, we had 400% more than expected auditionees! *tsk*
2009 will be a year i probably would age the fastest, yet, with grace, wisdom & faith.
Two major productions, three smaller scale, One-Two church musicals, weekend getaways, dance *argh* I can't wait for it all to happen!
When it does happen, i will definitely look back at the journey in awe and amazement to how my faith has strengthen.
11 months into my full time job, i'm amazed at the steps i've taken, the relationships i've built at work and every min of the day, I thank God i'm alive, kicking & whining!
Much to my delight, I received an sms this afternoon from K. It was one that told me that my decision to stay on in my job was an obedient decision.
Oh well... we all have our moments...
Monday, December 08, 2008
to those who grew up playing super mario on nintendo black top set.
i did!
this is so awesome... have never seen an 11 string bass.
but i only have 1 fav bassist :)
i did!
this is so awesome... have never seen an 11 string bass.
but i only have 1 fav bassist :)
Birthday Thanks!
Yep, this post is for all of you to made my day so beautiful.
Even the simple smses that say "Happy Birthday" meant alot.
and to those who went the extra mile to shower me with your love, I really appreciate it alot... and you know who you are.
Even the simple smses that say "Happy Birthday" meant alot.
and to those who went the extra mile to shower me with your love, I really appreciate it alot... and you know who you are.
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Those were the... books
remember Joyce who came down from UK in June?
I received a parcel from her early last month and to much joy, it was her latest release!!!

I received a parcel from her early last month and to much joy, it was her latest release!!!

Look at the beautifully illustrated book!
such wonderful creation for children these days. Boy, did it get me jealous.
Back in those days, we grew up with the ladybird series, majority of which are hand me downs and probably didn't cost that much.

Very plain, classic illustrations.
As we grew older, it became Enid Blyton series with only a few precious black and white illustrations on selected pages.
These days, kids get a varied choice of hardcover illustrated books that cost well over $20+ yet they prefer to get their hands on electronic handheld game sets to keep them entertained...
Oh well....
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Painted Faces

This simple proverb is a true reflection of us humans.
Study the faces of those around you, or even yourself in the mirror, what can you read?
I've always been intrigued by faces because it reminds me of God's creativity.
As much as I avoid coming across as being rude, I do still have a habit of observing the other party's face during a conversation.
Every line, every mark and every colour on the face tells a different story.
Put together, it gives a good overview of what the person has been through and the character of the man.
After living for more than two decades, I am sure I have carefully observed more than 17,000 faces (that's an average of 2 face observations a day).
Put that together with a simple conversation with half of them.
Well, I would have a good idea of the characters of at least over 8,000 people.
Well, I would have a good idea of the characters of at least over 8,000 people.
And I dare conclude that I am pretty skilled at giving a good deduction of a person on first impression.
I've come across people who look perpetually disturbed, pissed, scared, disgruntled, guarded, cautious... all basically negative.
On the other hand, I have also met people whose faces instantly display the joyfulness in them.
I wonder about the negativity in most people. Do they even know they really look quite bad?
Powder and pretty clothes can never hide the ugly mind and it shows.
Of course, I'm not saying I look awesome.
But at least the daily observations of my reflections on the train windows have told me I'm not pretty but i'm happy. (and you thought I was admiring myself... )
it takes a lot of effort for a happy heart to evolve and though i'm still not a saint, i think i've done quite a neat job.
To those who have never given this much thought, start looking in the mirror today and tell me what you see...
Monday, October 27, 2008
Clearing my Sleep Debt
Deepavali is one holiday I'm so thankful for...
after a long weekend, I spent 15 hours clearing my sleep debt. waking up at 2.30pm and falling back to sleep till 5pm.
what a luxury!
i was so lazy to reply anybody's msges and thumbing my phone is the last thing i want to do.
now to make up for some ME time, i am back online, blogging, updating photobucket with Kairos photos (yes, long overdue), wikipedia-ing and reading some awesome bible stories online (for kids)... and if time allows... (facebooking) <- urgh... I completely hate this hobby.
Let me go back to why i hate facebooking -> it's a complete waste of time. Uploading photos (and allowing people to steal it, like Ivan did), then you start to kaypo into other people's lives... and before you know it, 3 hours gone and nothing learnt!
Instead, when I wikipedia, i went from cairn rocks to buffalo jump to plains bison.. all in just 3 minutes! and boy do i feel smarter already... =.=
Now you know why i don't really facebook? Because aileen has grown wiser..
and let me hear some Amen to that!
Last night, kairos was so sweet enough to come by and watch Wizard.
To be honest, I was a little skeptical, hesitant and doubtful about everything... with Chelsea and Liverpool going live at the same time, I was wondering if I made the right choice getting the gang over to the theatre.
i believed my director WILL do a good job, that was why i bugged them to pay and support THE 'arts'.
but when i watched the opening show, things were scratchy and watching it from my perspective as a theatre grad, it was OK, not superb.
show and actors got better by the fifth show and I am proud to say, Yes it is good :)
after a long weekend, I spent 15 hours clearing my sleep debt. waking up at 2.30pm and falling back to sleep till 5pm.
what a luxury!
i was so lazy to reply anybody's msges and thumbing my phone is the last thing i want to do.
now to make up for some ME time, i am back online, blogging, updating photobucket with Kairos photos (yes, long overdue), wikipedia-ing and reading some awesome bible stories online (for kids)... and if time allows... (facebooking) <- urgh... I completely hate this hobby.
Let me go back to why i hate facebooking -> it's a complete waste of time. Uploading photos (and allowing people to steal it, like Ivan did), then you start to kaypo into other people's lives... and before you know it, 3 hours gone and nothing learnt!
Instead, when I wikipedia, i went from cairn rocks to buffalo jump to plains bison.. all in just 3 minutes! and boy do i feel smarter already... =.=
Now you know why i don't really facebook? Because aileen has grown wiser..
and let me hear some Amen to that!
Last night, kairos was so sweet enough to come by and watch Wizard.
To be honest, I was a little skeptical, hesitant and doubtful about everything... with Chelsea and Liverpool going live at the same time, I was wondering if I made the right choice getting the gang over to the theatre.
i believed my director WILL do a good job, that was why i bugged them to pay and support THE 'arts'.
but when i watched the opening show, things were scratchy and watching it from my perspective as a theatre grad, it was OK, not superb.
show and actors got better by the fifth show and I am proud to say, Yes it is good :)
Monday, October 20, 2008
cOoK Out, PiG oUt!
saturday's session at Cin's place was a blast!
i missed dentist's pasta ALOT...
because ....
no one else does it better than him...
no one has cooked pasta for me..
no one i know does pasta from SCRATCH!
and.. he will specially make cream sauce pasta for ME!
Ended up, everyone finished the small portion of cream sauce and i took only one with a few miserable shrooms... *pouts*
anyway, to cook for 17 people is a feat... but at least Cin & him did it :P
it was a wonderful fellowship that God has made a success, putting together different people to work.
for an amazing moment, I did the dishes. I hated this role most but surprisingly i did it with no complaints that night. :P
Next pig out session.. Cin promised to be a Chinese meal.
Now... i can take charge of the veggie dishes department. :D
i missed dentist's pasta ALOT...
because ....
no one else does it better than him...
no one has cooked pasta for me..
no one i know does pasta from SCRATCH!
and.. he will specially make cream sauce pasta for ME!
Ended up, everyone finished the small portion of cream sauce and i took only one with a few miserable shrooms... *pouts*
anyway, to cook for 17 people is a feat... but at least Cin & him did it :P
it was a wonderful fellowship that God has made a success, putting together different people to work.
for an amazing moment, I did the dishes. I hated this role most but surprisingly i did it with no complaints that night. :P
Next pig out session.. Cin promised to be a Chinese meal.
Now... i can take charge of the veggie dishes department. :D