Painted Faces

This simple proverb is a true reflection of us humans.
Study the faces of those around you, or even yourself in the mirror, what can you read?
I've always been intrigued by faces because it reminds me of God's creativity.
As much as I avoid coming across as being rude, I do still have a habit of observing the other party's face during a conversation.
Every line, every mark and every colour on the face tells a different story.
Put together, it gives a good overview of what the person has been through and the character of the man.
After living for more than two decades, I am sure I have carefully observed more than 17,000 faces (that's an average of 2 face observations a day).
Put that together with a simple conversation with half of them.
Well, I would have a good idea of the characters of at least over 8,000 people.
Well, I would have a good idea of the characters of at least over 8,000 people.
And I dare conclude that I am pretty skilled at giving a good deduction of a person on first impression.
I've come across people who look perpetually disturbed, pissed, scared, disgruntled, guarded, cautious... all basically negative.
On the other hand, I have also met people whose faces instantly display the joyfulness in them.
I wonder about the negativity in most people. Do they even know they really look quite bad?
Powder and pretty clothes can never hide the ugly mind and it shows.
Of course, I'm not saying I look awesome.
But at least the daily observations of my reflections on the train windows have told me I'm not pretty but i'm happy. (and you thought I was admiring myself... )
it takes a lot of effort for a happy heart to evolve and though i'm still not a saint, i think i've done quite a neat job.
To those who have never given this much thought, start looking in the mirror today and tell me what you see...