Sure, it's the movie season in Singapore again and there are so many shows to catch but so little time.
Didn't regret one bit by agreeing to 'tag' along the animaniacs-fans to catch 'Kung Fu Panda'.

Names like Jack Black, Angelina Jolie, Jackie Chan are just turn offs for me because I simply didn't quite take to any of them.
But the show, I warn you, is full of twists, lame and hilarious moments. It was wonderful to have Ivy and Uncle Sam on my sides because I could slap their arms while roaring in laughter.
And I can be a pain to my companions when I laugh in theatres :P
Anyway, not leaking any details on the show, I would advise those who would need to seek a breather to go catch it and just LAUGH your guts out.
I read from the autobiography of Shirley Temple -
"The good part of this frentic rushing around was its sense of being busy, being needed"
I'm not quite sure how true this is to you, but I hate to admit that it contains a tweeny weeny bit of truth in it.
Maybe that's why out of work I have been agreeing to take up more responsibilities, yet providing almost slipshod work (or so I think).
At work, this week is utterly crazy with all the silly things to be done. Silly, because it's so menial I think I can do it with my brains put on the table.
I am, in one way angry with my colleague for taking leave and not helping out, on the other I felt a little numb as if set in the mode of just getting things done. And also, it gives me a reason to avoid doing things which I do not feel like doing, AT THE MOMENT.
Anyway, I have been searching for an avenue to kick my shoes off at the end of the day and just relax and am still looking and crossing out things on my list.
1) Dancing
(yes, definitely getting back to that once I can find the right dates and partners for the lessons)
2) Getting another licence - Power Boat or Bike
(more to power boat so I can have an excuse to bask in the sun and enjoy the sea more often, but practically speaking... there's no reason to go out to sea now since there's no kelong for us to hang out at...)
3) Form a sports regime
(yep, definitely! With the guys fixing more soccer time, the girls need to work on something too! Sunday has thus far been set aside for badminton and it will resume again once Miss Lor is free.. ahem)
4) Get a vehicle for cruising
(in tandem with point 3, getting a bicycle is next up on my mind as well as a good replacement for point 2. And I have started my research on mountain bikes and set aside a tidy sum to invest in this new toy. One dear boy has offered to do the recommendation through his bike shop and i will be looking forward to that, *triple ahems)
Well, at least I have something on my list to look forward to!!!