Little thoughts of the Day...
there are some blogs i visit - those whom i have never met before.. probably friend's friend friend.. whatever..
it's interesting to be in someone's life without him/her knowing. :P
(psst... Aileen's a big time stalker. Watch Out)
Just last night, i went into this blog again - Young girl. 17. student.
Very unhappy girl I would say. i wonder why her posts are all so similar - complains, frustrations, complains.
Is the life of a 17 year old student that bad? Worse than a 22 year old Uni student? hrm...
Then again, it's her blog. She can say whatever she wants. but then again doesn't it make her even more unhappy blogging about unhappy stuff???
Poor girl.
maybe I should befriend her to make her Happy.... :)
Life's getting so much better with a laptop to lug around in school, my new silent companion.
With my girlfriends busy with final yr proj, dive, exchanging in Seoul... I'm back to year 1 moments... hanging out, happy in my little bubble.
Projects are kicking in, weekly assignments, readings... worst. 6 tuition kids, hosting events, church and a newly added ministry today - Toddlers >.< wth.
(Rilla called to ask me to handle a speech & drama class for real kids, I thought she didn't need me already... :( )
I prefer handling kids whom u can crap and have fun with... not these kind. Oh whatever.
With my schedule packed, my adrenaline starts pumping and boy... I get high...... plus... AILEEN is a happy girl :P